
We offer free & secure WiFi access to all guests. The network is Roost Ocean Springs and the password is “roostwithus


All suites include flat screen TVs that include a variety of stations as well as HBO. The remotes are located right below the TV. Press the guide button for channel options.


Pool hours are 9 AM - 9 PM. No pets are allowed in the pool. There is no lifeguard on duty & no glass allowed in the pool area.


Bring your ice bucket to front desk and one of our staff members will be happy to fill it for you. If the lobby is closed, a waitstaff at the Wilbur Bar will take care of it.

Heat / AC

All suites have their own cooling and heating units. The remote control will allow you to adjust it. First check if the Mode is on Sun (heat) or Snowflake (A/C) & then turn the temperature warmer or cooler and adjust the fan speed to your preference.

Room Refresh

If you are staying with us for more than one night, your room will be refreshed by our housekeeping team between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM unless you hang your Do Not Disturb sign on the door handle.


Parking is available onsite at The Roost.